Living Water

Our Journey

“Living Water Malawi has brought new life to our community. Others have come but no one has helped us.”
(Village Chief's words at the official Opening Ceremony of the orphanage and pre-school, 2017)
About half of Malawi's population lives in poverty, with many of those living in deep poverty. The majority of the families we help are widows or elderly grandparents who are striving to care for their families. We feel honored that we can help bring a little relief to these dear women and their children.
2024 Highlights
We welcomed 16 new children, aged 7 - 15, many of whom had been abandoned, to the orphanage in August, making a total of 30 children being loved and cared for.
In anticipation of welcoming some new orphaned children to the Centre later this year, we've built a small house to accommodate Catherine and a second house mother.
The community has been waiting patiently for the opening of the clinic; they and we are delighted that on May 8, 2024 it became a reality! People have wasted no time in coming to receive medical help. We have a full-time nurse and a doctor who will come as needed.
We are relieved that there have been no cyclones this year, however, food is still scarce and expensive as there has now been a drought. Thankfully we have been able to purchase a year's supply of maize and rice for the children at Seed of Hope orphanage.

In February 2023 Cyclone Freddy hit southern Malawi with a vengeance, causing much devastation. Our team of seven traveled with suitcases full of clothing, which we distributed to many families in several different communities, along with food and supplies which we had purchased there.
We celebrated the first graduating class of 35 at our secondary school in June. Although only a small percentage of students graduated, it was a good number compared to many other schools. We started the 2023-school year with 385 students!
The clinic was completed by the end of the year and is awaiting government approval.
A guardhouse was also built at the orphanage; maize flour was purchased for many hungry families just in time for Christmas and the children at the Centre had a fun Christmas outing, going for lunch, ice cream and lots of dancing at a tourist lodge!
Two summer huts were built for the children in 2022 at the orphanage.
A classroom and science lab building was added to the secondary school. We started the school year with 231 students!
Cyclones hit southern Malawi in February. We provided food, clothing and some basic necessities for students and others whose homes were destroyed by flooding.
Land was purchased and construction began for building a medical clinic; people in the area currently travel 1+ hours by crowded minibus to get medical care, so this will be a wonderful help to the community.
2022 - 2023 Highlights
2020-2021 Highlights
The “Seed of Hope Childcare Centre” became a recognized non-profit in Malawi!
Land was purchased next to the "Seed of Hope Childcare Centre" for construction of the “Seed of Hope Secondary School." Classes for grades 9-12 were added along with a teachers office/break room. The school year began with five students and quickly rose to 74!
Construction of a wall around Seed of Hope Centre (which began 2019) was completed (a little over 1 mile total length).
Living Water Malawi provided buckets and soaps (each month) for placement at boreholes and water taps in three villages due to Covid rising in the area.

2018-2019 Highlights

Four adults received tailoring training for six months, a sewing machine, fabric etc. to start their own business by making clothes for the children at the Centre. This was repeated in 2019.
A second house was built for 10 “at risk” girls, (aged 8 – 15) and a vocational building was added.
A scholarship fund was set up to help those of our children, who are able, to attain the standard required to pursue higher education.
Two bicycles were purchased to be used for transportation from the Centre to school and for taking maize to the mill for grinding.
Solar panels were installed on the first house and a well was dug on the property.
Money was raised by the children at Good News Fellowship Church (Ferndale, WA) to buy 150 Chichewa language Bibles.
2015-2016 Highlights
Living Water-Malawi received 501c (3) status in 2015. During this time, we provided food relief, Bibles, carpentry tools, sewing machines and goats.
Our first fundraiser was held and resulted in 25 child sponsorships, land purchase (with water) for an orphanage and at the village chief’s request, a pre-school.
The first orphanage house was completed for 13 children aged 6 – 13. The pre-school was built and opened to 65 children who now attend consistently.
Living Water Malawi also provided small micro-loans for twenty women to start their own business.

2007 - 2009 The Journey Begins

In 2007, Living Water Malawi co-founder Caroline Schauer went on a mission trip to Malawi, Africa.
Caroline was thrilled to see many lives changed as the team told people about the love of Jesus and they found a new life of hope and freedom in Him.
As Caroline worked with local church partners, numerous children would follow and she discovered that many were orphans with no one to care for them.
During her time in Malawi, she established a relationship with Arnold, pastor of Amazing Grace Church in Blantyre. Caroline remained in touch with Arnold and in 2009 formed a partnership with him and his church, later appointing Arnold as the Director of Living Water Malawi.